Christmas Haikus

I usually write a three or four paragraph update for my Christmas cards, but this year I felt the need for fewer words. I wrote a bunch of haikus, one for each card. Here they are:

Christmas Haikus 2021


We are doing well

Pedro is loving third grade

He still reads and reads


I am writing much

Jose sings while folding clothes

Pedro reads, talks, laughs

Pedro grew a lot

Mom and Dad still living home

Appliances died


The cold of winter

Does not stop us from spring dreams

Seeds dug in hard dirt


A year of much loss

A year of restoration

Now, we hope again


We hope for the best

We light candles to recall

We hold you all close


Light follows darkness

We know this with certainty

We look for the light


Jose runs each day

I still write my short stories

Pedro loves Netflix


We dream of Chile

Hope for January trip

It has been too long                                                                            


At Christmas we think

of everyone lost this year 

We send out great love


 We are so grateful

For the love, grace in our lives

We give thanks for you


 We walk together

Pedro talking a blue streak

Our boy, in third grade


Conversation with Pedro


Homecoming/50-Word Stories